We are Adult Literacy for Life

We believe everyone should have the literacy, numeracy and digital literacy to participate in society and succeed in life. 

We are a 10 year, whole-of-government and society strategy dedicated to make this happen because literacy changes lives.

Why literacy?

Literacy allows us to fully engage in society and be active citizens. It provides us with opportunities and is essential to developing an equal society. Literacy is a human right.

See how literacy changes lives

Literacy affects everyone, everywhere.

In Ireland, more than 500,000 people have unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs. This means they may be unable to fill in a form, vote, read instructions on medicines, add up a bill, help kids with homework or search the web for information. This can negatively impact their confidence and prevent them from participating fully in society.

Literacy is more than reading and writing.

Literacy touches virtually every aspect of our lives – at home, at work and in the community. It allows us to engage effectively with others; understand, use, and act on information; access services; and use technology. It allows us to stand up for ourselves on issues that affect our lives.

Literacy for all

Find out about what is happening in your area. Meet your local Regional Literacy Coordinator

We want to ensure everyone has the literacy to meet their needs, and that literacy is valued and supported at every level of society.