Adult Literacy for Life in Cavan and Monaghan

Adult Literacy for Life is a whole-of-society strategy. It aims to ensure that everyone has the literacy, numeracy and digital literacy to participate in society and succeed in life. Read the Adult Literacy for Life strategy.

Hello, my name is Ceinwen Fergus

I am the Regional Literacy Coordinator in Cavan and Monaghan. I work to raise awareness of literacy issues, and to support organisations to work with people who have unmet literacy needs. As many as 1 in 6 people in Ireland need help with reading, and 1 in 4 need help with basic maths. In Cavan and Monaghan, people can get help with reading, writing, maths and computer skills through the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB). They can also find help and support through other organisations who are part of our Regional Adult Literacy Coalition. 

Meet your Cavan and Monaghan Literacy Coalition

In Cavan and Monaghan, we set up a Regional Adult Literacy Coalition to implement the Adult Literacy for Life strategy. It has representatives from different organisations working together to improve services and supports for adults with unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs. The Coalition has written a Literacy Action Plan to help them do this. The Regional Adult Literacy Coalition includes representatives from local libraries, family resource centers, the Health Service Executive (HSE), Monaghan Integrated Development, Cavan County Local Development, The Department of Social Protection and a learner representative.

Cavan and Monaghan Literacy Coalition Member Organizations
Health Service Executive (HSE)Cavan County Local Development
Cavan LibraryMonaghan Library
Monaghan Integrated Local DevelopmentTeach na Daoine Family Resource Centre
Clones Family Resource CentreTeach Oscail Family Resource Centre
Killeshandra Family Resource CentreDepartment of Social Protection
Home School Community Liaison (HSCL)/ School Completion Programme (SCP)North East Regional Skills Forum
Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS)Cavan Travellers Movement
Cavan County Childcare CommitteeMonaghan County Childcare Committee
Monaghan County CouncilCavan County Council
Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB)Saint Vincent de Paul
National Learning NetworkEmployAbility Monaghan

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