Adult Literacy for Life in Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim

Adult Literacy for Life is a whole-of-society strategy. It aims to ensure that everyone has the literacy, numeracy and digital literacy to participate in society and succeed in life. Read the Adult Literacy for Life strategy.

Hello, my name is Thomas Howley

The Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) strategy provides a distinctive regional platform for local partners in Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim to unite and tackle the unaddressed literacy needs among adults in our communities.

It serves as an opportunity for local collaborators to pinpoint an existing literacy gap and collectively instigate positive transformations. This allows adults to engage more actively in society.

Witnessing the favorable impact of literacy-focused endeavors in our communities is truly inspiring. I wholeheartedly urge community partners to work closely with the ALL team and support the ALL strategy in your area. This will contribute to fostering beneficial literacy outcomes for the adults residing in our communities.

Meet your Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Literacy Coalition

In Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim we set up a Regional Adult Literacy Coalition to implement the Adult Literacy for Life strategy. It has representatives from lots of organisations that want to work together to improve services and supports for adults with unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs. The Coalition has written a Literacy Action Plan for Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim to help them do this.

Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Literacy Coalition Member Organisations
Department of Social ProtectionForóige
Tubbercurry Family Resource CentreSligo Leader
Learner VoiceCitizens Information Mayo
Citizens Information LeitrimCitizens Information Sligo
Teagasc (South Mayo)Ballyhaunis Family Resource Centre (FRC
Mayo Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board (MSLETB)Money and Budgeting Service (MABS)
Local Authority Integration Services, SligoMayo County Library
Leitrim County LibrarySligo County Library

Projects from Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim

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