Adult Literacy for Life in Tipperary

Adult Literacy for Life is a whole-of-society strategy. It aims to ensure that everyone has the literacy, numeracy and digital literacy to participate in society and succeed in life. Read the Adult Literacy for Life strategy.

Hello, my name is Ester Mackey

I am the Regional Literacy Coordinator for Tipperary. 

I love working in adult education, especially in adult literacy.  As adults we use our literacy skills all the time: setting the alarm clock, attending GAA matches, filling in a car tax form, sending a WhatsApp message or a birthday card, reading the newspaper or or a bedtime story.  Many of these skills are new literacies, like digital skills. 

I love helping people grow their skills and organisations to become more accessible and literacy friendly.  Join me as we work together towards a fully inclusive society. 

Meet your Tipperary Literacy Coalition

In Tipperary, we set up a Regional Adult Literacy Coalition to implement the Adult Literacy for Life strategy. It has representatives from lots of organisations that want to work together to improve services and supports for adults with unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs. The Coalition has written a Literacy Action Plan for Tipperary to help them do this. The Coalition includes representatives from Tipperary ETB, Tipperary Co. Library, South Tipperary Development Company', North Tipperary Development Company, Citizens Information Services, Tipperary County Council, Silver Arch Resource Centre, Intreo North, Intreo South, Health Service Executive (HSE), Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS), Disability Services, Tipperary Rural Traveller Project, Tipperary University Hospital, Probation Services, Tipperary Public Participation Network, Home School Community Liason and Children and Young People Services Committee.

Tipperary Literacy Coalition Member Organisations
South Tipperary Development CompanyNorth Tipperary Development Company
Tipperary County CouncilTipperary Library Service
Silver Arch Resource CentreTusla -Home School Community Liaison (HSCL)
Children and Young People's Services Committees (CYPSC)Health Service Executive (HSE)
Department of Social Protection-IntreoTuras Nua
Citizens InformationMoney Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS)
Disability ServicesPublic Participation Network( PPN)
Probation ServiceTipperary Rural Traveller Project
Tipperary University HospitalTipperary Education and Training Board (TETB)

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