Literacy is a human right
Literacy changes lives.
Literacy allows us to engage effectively with others, access public services, understand and act on new information, and use technology. It allows us to stand up for ourselves and our communities on issues that affect our lives.
Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) is a 10-year strategy dedicated to ensuring that anyone with unmet literacy needs can participate fully in society. We want to ensure that everyone has the literacy to meet their needs, and that literacy is valued and supported at every level of our society.
You can make a difference.
Step 1. Talk about literacy
Talk about literacy with your friends and family and help to reduce the stigma. Some people feel embarrassed and hide their literacy needs from friends and family. Talk our Literacy awareness course to learn more (Insert Link)
Step 2. Raise awareness of local services.
85,000 adults attend literacy courses nationwide.
Classes run in Education Training Boards (ETB) Adult Literacy Service all over Ireland.
Classes are free and adult friendly. The experience is very different to school.
Tutors work at a pace that suits the learner and their interests.
Find out more about your local ETB literacy services.
The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) also offers distance learning through their Learn with NALA. Learn with NALA.
Step 3. Become a literacy champion.
Unmet literacy needs can exclude people from carrying out a range of everyday activities or successfully interacting with public and private services.
You can address this in your work by:
being aware and taking account of literacy needs.
identifying and removing literacy-related barriers.
using plain English in your communications, and
providing literacy awareness training to staff.
Talk to your Regional Literacy Coordinators to find out more about: (insert contact link)
Plain English and free courses in understanding literacy and becoming literacy friendly.
How to become a literacy champion for your organisation or community.
Take Literacy Awareness Training here: link (when available)
Keep informed
We want to ensure that everyone has the literacy to meet their needs, and that literacy is valued and supported at every level of society.
To receive updates on our work, please send an email to