
Donegal: Regional Literacy Coalition's Social Inclusion Week

March 19, 2024

The Regional Adult Literacy Coalition brought together members of the public to celebrate social inclusion on 19 March as part of their Social Inclusion Week.

Partners included:

  • Donegal Co. Library

  • Europe Direct LK

  • Donegal Education and Training Board (Adult Literacy, Community Education and YouthReach)

  • Home School Community Liaison Network

  • HSE Health & Well-being

  • Donegal Intercultural Platform

  • Donegal Local Development Company

  • Inishowen Development Partnership

  • Family Resource Centre Network

  • Citizen’s Information Services

  • Read DL

The event held in the Central Library in Letterkenny showcased and celebrated social inclusion.

Coalition member organisations showcased parts of their work that demonstrated social inclusion.

You can find out more about Adult Literacy for Life in Donegal here: Adult Literacy for Life in Donegal