
Tipperary: Professional Development for Youthreach teachers

February 01, 2024

Ester Mackey, Regional Literacy Coordinator for Tipperary, worked with Literacy Resource staff to design a training session for teachers in Youthreach Cappawhite.

They explored what staff do, how to do a literacy audit in their area, and how to use Artificial Intelligence.

This marked the first time that Literacy Resource staff and the RLC co-facilitated Integrating Literacy training to FET staff.

This project provided a training opportunity for Youthreach staff and ‘on the job’ training for literacy staff.

The goal is to enable Youthreach staff to deliver Integrating Literacy training over time.

There was a really positive response to this training and everyone’s confidence has grown as a result!

You can find out more about Adult Literacy for Life in Tipperary here: Adult Literacy for Life in Tipperary