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Literacy Friendly Longford

Raising awareness about literacy needs among local businesses in Longford.

Group photo

“Brilliant idea, carried out in a friendly and positively charged atmosphere.” Quote from participant

This project encouraged businesses in Longford to become more literacy-friendly. Local businesses chose staff to complete Longford’s Literacy Ambassador programme. This course teaches staff how to use Plain English to make documents more accessible and to improve their customer service.

Training took place in Edgeworthstown Library in November 2023. Staff members from PTSB, Women’s Link, Older Person Council, County Childcare Committee, and Longford County Council attended the course.

Staff learnt how to spot customers who struggle with literacy and how to help people address unmet literacy needs.

This project had many positive outcomes. PTSB staff have started sign language courses and a review of Longford County Council’s website is underway. County council staff are putting their forms into Plain English.

Many organisations are reviewing their marketing schemes, websites, and posters to make them clearer and accessible for everyone.

This project was the result of a collaboration between Longford County Council and Longford and Westmeath Education and Training Board (LWETB).

For more information, please contact Anne Maria Egan, LWETB Regional Literacy Coordinator at 

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