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Community-Based Digital Literacy and Inclusion

Addressing digital exclusion among adults in Limerick City.

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"Delighted to be part of a project looking at the IT needs of community education providers." Quote from participant

This project addressed digital exclusion among adults in Limerick City. It focused on communities at risk of social and economic marginalization. Key target groups included staff working in community centres and people using educational and developmental services.

The project took place between September and December 2023. Project organizers spoke with 12 organizations that provide community education. This allowed organizers to examine IT needs in community education centres.

Organizers wrote a report about IT needs in community education providers. This report is a valuable resource for future improvements.  

This project laid the groundwork for creating a digitally literate environment that will empower community members.

"Thanks to ALL funding for highlighting the current deficits in IT infrastructure across community education in Limerick City." Quote from participant

This project is the result of a collaboration between Limerick Community Education Network and Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board (LCETB). 

For more information, please contact Sile O'Riordan, Limerick and Clare Regional Literacy Coordinator at  

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