"I went in broken, and I came out better; it has opened my eyes, I was never into courses and now I want to do more courses. It’s made me more confident; I want to return to work." Quote from participant
This project was a pilot Life Skills and Futures Literacy course that helped adults re-imagine their future. This course allowed learners to explore their needs, interests, and goals.
The course took place in An Cosán, Jobstown, Tallaght. Nine women learners completed the course between September and December 2023.
This project focused on active learning and research using the B.I.G. approach:
Building: Confidence and Social Networks
Inspiring: Curiosity, a Growth Mindset and Future thinking
Growing: Skills Development and Choosing your Path.
Participants learnt about assistive technologies and financial literacy. They also used a Skills to Succeed plan to support their journey.
Participants are more aware of their strengths now. They know how to use their transferable skills and are eager to improve their digital literacy.
"I am doing a return to learning course; I would have been too nervous to do anything related to computers. Because we discussed comfort zones, I was able to go on to this next course." Quote from Participant
This project was the result of a collaboration between An Cosán, Tallaght Intreo Centre, and Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board.
For more information, please contact Fiona Kavanagh, Dublin & Dun Laoghaire Regional Literacy Coordinator, at fionakavanagh@ddletbaes.ie
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