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Library Literacy Champions

Developing library literacy champions among Dublin City Library staff.

Book Collection

“Very worthwhile course and I’m very glad I did it. I can already see myself using the concepts in my everyday work and I know there are lots of things I can work on in the future.” Quote from participant

This project turned Dublin City Library staff into literacy champions. Training made library staff aware of unmet literacy needs in adults. They learnt how to promote literacy friendly methods and how to provide literacy support when needed.  

25 library staff attended eight workshops between September and December 2023. This helped library staff improve their awareness of literacy services and their co-operation with adult literacy tutors in City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB).  

This project also developed content that promotes library resources and a checklist of all literacy supports in each library. The number of adult literacy champions continues to grow as a result.

Group Work

“Thank you very much for the excellent training. The facilitators were excellent. All bases were covered from strategic through to operational across all our sections and branches. Thank you all so much, it’s been amazingly useful!" Quote from participant

This project was the result of a collaboration between Dublin City Libraries, the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA), and CDETB. 

For more information, please contact Andrew Connolly, City of Dublin Regional Literacy Coordinator at   

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