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Nourishing Literacy and Numeracy in a Digital Era 

Using cooking to improve adult literacy and numeracy skills.

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This project used cooking to improve literacy skills among learners recruited through the Family Resource Centre (FRC) programme and the Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) scheme.

The project ran from October to November 2023. It took place  in schools in Letterkenny, Raphoe, Moville, Stranorlar, Ballyshannon, and Glenties. The six-week long cooking course covered topics like reading recipes, measuring ingredients, and basic budgeting skills.   

 Learners feel their literacy, numeracy, and digital skills improved after completing the course. They got to know more people in their community and made new friends, which also improved their mental health.

Students say they are now cooking for family members, which they couldn’t do before. Each participant received a toolkit after completing the course to encourage them to continue developing their skills.     


This project was the result of a collaboration between Raphoe Family Resource Centre, Home School Community Liaison Network Donegal, and Donegal Education and Training Board (DETB)

For more information about the project, please contact Adele McElhinney, Donegal ETB Regional Literacy Coordinator at  

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