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The Access Academy

Skills development programme for people with moderate intellectual disabilities.

The Access Academy participant

“The aim of this project was to develop a level 1 integrative and easy to follow digital media and hospitality course for the people we support. I feel that this project will allow the people supported within our service to develop both personally and professionally while developing fundamental skills for employment.” Quote from participant

This project developed a digital media and hospitality course, along with a training toolkit for ETB tutors. This toolkit will allow tutors to gain the knowledge, skills, and techniques needed to train people with intellectual disabilities.  

The development and roll out of this project took place in Patrick’s Court, Kilkenny. Six participants took part in the trial group. Training and Development Officers created resources that targeted the specific needs of people with disabilities. They also made a resource pack that will help ETB tutors improve their teaching methods.

The project will much make it easier for people with disabilities to improve their literacy skills and find employment.

"Developing the programme allows us the opportunity to increase the knowledge and skills of our learners. As an organisation, we grow and gain invaluable experience through developing new programmes. In doing so opening the doors to future meaningful employment roles in the areas of hospitality and IT”- Tutor 

This project was the result of a collaboration between SOS Kilkenny CLG and KCETB.

For more information, please contact Helen Walsh, Kilkenny and Carlow Regional Literacy Coordinator at  

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