Pavee Peck
A collection of recipes and stories by Traveller women
This project tackled unmet literacy needs in the Traveller community through story telling. It also created spaces that promote Traveller culture and allowed learners to engage with libraries.
19 learners split into two groups in Letterkenny and Ballyshannon libraries between September and November 2023. Each group made a children’s fiction book, a non-fiction book, and a story sack. Each book has a QR code that allows readers to listen to audio recordings of each story.
Learners significantly improved their writing and digital literacy skills. Many learners even registered to a library after completing the project and feel more confident about using library resources.
This project was nominated for an Aontas Star Award this year for its dedication to social inclusion in adult learning.
Here are links to the story sacks:
Back When I Was Young (Ballyshannon)
Memories: A Collection of Stories (Ballyshannon)
Course participants with their storybooks.
Traveller Story Sacks was the result of a collaboration between Donegal Travellers Project, Donegal County Library, and Donegal Education and Training Board (DETB).
For more information about the project, please contact Adele McElhinney, DETB Regional Literacy Coordinator at adelemcelhinney@donegaletb.ie
A collection of recipes and stories by Traveller women
The Collaboration and Innovation Fund supports projects for adults with unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs and projects that support organisations to be literacy friendly. The closing date for 2024 applications has now passed but keep an eye out for information on our 2025 fund which will be launched in December.